Diets are never easy.
I remember the last time I stood on a scale. I just wanted something to shift. I wanted to watch the dial bounce and land on my goal weight. But like every other time I stepped on the scale, the dial struck the same number.
After years of restricting myself and never achieving my goals, I decided it was time for a change. I decided to reward myself.
Growing up, I could eat whatever I wanted and never gained weight. I was that friend. Until one day in my mid-20s, my eating habits started showing. At first, I thought I was bloated… a lot. Or maybe it was water weight?
And that’s when weight gain took over my life. I started fasting, which didn’t work. Then I tried every fad diet known to man; Keto, Paleo, Weight-Watchers, and even the Raw Diet. All of them left me defeated. Nothing changed, except my motivation and energy. Both of which were depleted.
The worst part? When someone walked by with mouth-watering food. I just wanted to pounce!