Our Mediterranean Desserts cookbook is the perfect way to experience the sweet side of the Mediterranean. From classic Greek baklava to Turkish delights, this book is packed with delicious recipes that will satisfy even the most discerning sweet tooth. With easy-to-follow steps and helpful tips, you'll be able to master the art of making mouth-watering desserts from the Mediterranean region in no time. Whether you're looking to impress guests or just want to treat yourself, this cookbook has something for everyone.
Veronica Miles’s passion for Mediterranean cuisine dates back to a childhood trip to Greece, where her extended family taught her all about their Greek roots. That expe-rience was instrumental in her decision to attend culinary school. After graduating, she traveled around the Mediterranean, putting her knowledge of food to the test as she experimented with classic dishes in the settings and countries where they were invented. As a chef, Veronica is an expert in traditional Mediterranean cuisine, but as a life coach, she also knows how important it is to find practical meal-prep solutions that really work for a busy lifestyle. In this book, she shares her extensive knowledge of the Mediterranean flavors and cooking techniques that can help you get delicious, healthy, no-fuss meals on the table in just thirty minutes or less.
Paperback or eBook
256 Pages
Published: January , 2023
Genre: Non-fiction, Cookbook
ISBN: 9781990281594
Dimensions: 6.5” x 9.75”
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Clementine Peach Crumble
Page 72

Tahini Brownies
Page 140

Saffron-Infused & Spiced Vanilla Bavarois
Page 176
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