Hydroponics is a way to completely transform the way you grow your plants! Plants grown hydroponically result in higher yields, while occupying less space. Hydroponics also makes it easy to grow large amounts of vegetables in small spaces or even indoors. If you’re looking to support your family with fresh, home-grown produce, Year-Round Gardening with Hydroponics is the perfect place to start. Loaded with how-to guides, thrifty garden hacks, and a history of hydroponics, this book will inspire you and your gardening.
Author Bio
Melissa Austin grew up in a small farm town where her parents taught her the importance of self-sufficiency, deepening her love for nature. After moving to an isolated town, she struggled with food availability. But thanks to this barrier, Austin embraced her destined journey of gardening. Now she grows over 90% of her own produce, supplying herself and her family with independence, healthy foods, and sustainability. Austin lives in Ohio with her husband and two kids.
176 Pages
Font Size: Large
Published: June 1, 2021
Genre: Non-fiction, Gardening
ISBN: 9781999572075
Dimensions: 6” x 9”
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