The Mediterranean Refresh: Meal Plan is founded on the recipes from the time-tested Mediterranean Refresh. It highlights the importance and key features of the nutritious Mediterranean Diet. Packed with 8 weeks of meal planning, you’ll discover how to lead a healthy and balanced, Mediterranean-inspired, lifestyle. With over 100 recipes—including desserts and snacks—alongside grocery lists, tear-out shopping lists, and lined pages for note taking, this Meal Plan will revamp your diet and inspire your cooking!
Author Bio
Erika Simons has always been the girl cooking dishes “you just have to try.” She grew up in a small town where every ingredient was locally grown, often on her family farm. She inherited her passion for the Mediterranean lifestyle from generations of family members before her. With her deep understanding of ingredients and cooking techniques, paired with her degree in culinary arts, Erika is now a lifestyle and nutrition coach, chef, and author.
272 Pages
Published: February 2021
Genre: Non-fiction, Cookbook
ISBN: 9781999572099
Dimensions: 6.5” x 9.75”
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