Your Complete Guide to Gardening
Whether you’re interested in hydroponic gardening in your apartment, growing herbs on your windowsill, or starting a vegetable plot in your backyard, you’ll find a wealth of knowledge here that you can put to immediate use. Easy Home Growing is a valuable resource to increase your food independence and self-reliance, no matter where you live. Written in a personable and easy-to-follow style, it’s highly comprehensive and full of practical instructions. Both the beginner and experienced gardener will find inspiration as Austin shares valuable tips on selecting plants, ordering seeds, preparing garden beds, climate considerations, composting, mulching, permaculture, niche gardens, community gardens, and much more. You won’t find a better source for step-by-step information on how to prepare, plant, and care for your garden. Highlights include the importance of sustainable and organic practices. This is a book that you will be referring to for many years to come.Please click here to view our VERIFIED REVIEWS
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